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When entering into an agreement you have responsibilities and rights. We have listed out below information that clarifies what the Co-operative expects and what you should expect in return. Our priority is to provide a good standard of housing for people that are entitled to receive it.


If you are looking for information regarding repairs and “Who is responsibility for what” Click here

​​Make sure you understand your responsibilities under your agreement with us.

​The tenancy agreement you have signed is a contract between you and the Arneway Housing Co-operative. It contains a range of rights and responsibilities as a tenant and our responsibilities as your landlord.

If you contravene the Housing Co-operatives rules of strict SINGLE OCCUPANCY OR SUBLETTING WE WILL ISSUE A NOTICE TO QUIT (NTQ) AND EVICTION CAN BE EXPECTED. Also we will ask the courts for a possession order and/or we may issue a Notice to Quit (NTQ), if you have seriously and persistently broken your tenancy conditions (for example, by not paying rent or by causing extreme nuisance to your neighbours or subletting and/or condoning multiple occupancy).

​All properties are pet free and should remain so during the tenancy. Any damage to the property caused by any pet / animal will leave you liable for remedy. If you fail to remedy the situation a court order will be obtained to seek your eviction and/or financial redress and/or issue a Notice to Quit (NTQ).

​We will always try to sort out problems without having to take legal action. However, we will take legal action if you do not co-operate or you break agreements. We will also take legal action to repossess your home if you are no longer living in it or illegally subletting to someone else. This means that we have to get an order for possession from the courts, any all all costs, plus interest will be reclaimed for you.

Office will remain closed from 28th Feb to 10th March