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Arneway Housing Co-operative Limited is regulated by the Communities and Local Government whose remit is to create great places to live and work, and to give more power to local people to shape what happens in their area.


Arneway Housing Co-op was originally founded in 1979 and is a non-profit making organisation with charitable status and registered with the Government’s Department for Communities & Local Government.

As a Registered Housing Association we receive public money to help provide homes for people in housing need. The Department for Communities & Local Government sets guidelines for how we should operate & they monitor our performance as they do for all Registered Housing Associations.

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We provide homes for rent in and around the London Borough of Brent local authority areas within North West London & within the West London Region.

All of our properties are managed from our Head Office at:

The Designworks,

Park Parade,



NW10 4HT

Located in the centre of Harlesden.

In the event of an resolved complaint your final recourse is to The Housing Ombudsman Service (HOS) who looks at complaints about registered providers of social housing, for example housing associations, & other landlords, managers & agents. The service is free, independent & impartial. You may contact the Ombudsman at any stage of a dispute, however, their remit is as a final resort arbitrator/resolution body once internal resolution has been exhausted.

You may find more information from:

Office will remain closed from 28th Feb to 10th March