Home improvements
If you want to carry out any improvements or alterations to your home, you must get our permission in writing before you start any work. Contact your housing officer, who will advise you of the information we need to assess your application. You may also need other approval, such as planning permission from the council. If you wish to install TV aerial or satellite dishes please contact the office These types of improvements will remain your responsibility to maintain and you must get our permission in writing first. If you are unsure speak to your housing officer.
Other improvements
If you want to carry out any other kind of improvement (for example, fitting your own central heating, gas fire or shower units), these become our property. You cannot remove them if you move. If you have replaced existing fixtures, you must return these to us.
We are not able to refund the cost of carrying out the improvement but we will take over responsibility for maintenance when we have inspected and approved the work. We will not increase your rent as a result of any improvements you make to your home. At the end of your tenancy you may be entitled to compensation for some improvements that you have carried out with our permission.
Fitting wooden or laminate flooring
If you are thinking about replacing your carpet with wooden or laminate flooring you must get permission from your housing officer. If you live in a flat, it is likely that your neighbours will hear more noise if you lay wooden or laminate flooring. Please consider this before making any changes. It could cause nuisance to your neighbours & may end up in a dispute. If you install this kind of flooring without permission you may be asked to remove it & replace the original flooring at your own expense.
You are responsible for decorating inside your home to a reasonable standard. If you are elderly or have a disability & there is no one who can do the decorating for you, we will try & arrange help from a voluntary organisation.
Running a business from home
If you want to run a business from home, you must get our permission in writing. You may also need council planning permission. We will refuse any business use that may annoy your neighbours.
Home contents insurance
We strongly advise you to take out a home contents insurance policy. This is to insure your personal belongings, furniture, carpets & decorations against damage or loss due to water, fire or burglary.
Our own insurance policy does not cover your belongings if they are lost or damaged, unless we have been negligent. Taking out your own insurance will also provide you with cover if you are held responsible for damage caused to your home or a neighbour’s home or belongings (for example, if you let your bath over flow or if you accidentally hammer a nail through a central-heating pipe).
Arneway Housing Co-operative Limited maybe able to advise as to vendors of insurance and typical types of cover offered and advisable, for more information contact your housing officer.
Exterior repair & renovations to exterior of your home:
To keep your building in a good state of repair, we have a maintenance programme. This means that every few years we repaint the outside of the windows & front doors, & the shared areas.
We also carry out repairs to the outside of the property & inspect & repair roofs if necessary. We will tell you beforehand if your property is due to be repainted. For some work, such as painting windows, we may need to come into your home so we would appreciate your co-operation. We often need to put up scaffolding to the building to finish the works safely. Please take extra security precautions while the scaffolding is in place.
When carrying out any improvements to your home we will ensure that you are notified & involved in the process from the start to the end of the work.
If you have any queries regarding the programme of works please contact your housing officer.
Major improvements
Arneway Housing Co-operative Limited sometimes carries out planned upgrade programmes to improve the property assets. The decision to include your kitchen, bathroom, electrics or boiler in a planned programme is based on the condition that it is in, whether it is safe & whether it can be repaired. We will always get in touch to let you know if you home is part of a planned upgrade programme in advance of work starting.
Adaptations to your home
If you are elderly, have a disability or a long-term medical condition you may find carrying out day-to-day tasks difficult, such as using your kitchen, bathroom or the stairs. If so, speak to your housing officer about adaptations to your home.
Simple adaptations (such as installing a grab rail in the shower) can be arranged by housing officers but for larger changes you will need to contact your Local Authority Occupational Therapy Department to request an Occupational Therapy (OT) Assessment. They will provide advice about whether you are eligible for an assessment.
If an occupational therapist approves any adaptations they will contact the office & they may be able arrange for any work to be carried out.