Consultation on Brent’s Conversation Areas
Dear Consultee,
Brent is consulting on proposed changes to existing conservation area boundaries as well as a proposal for a new conservation area at Kensal Rise and the de-designation of the Sudbury Cottages Conservation Area. The consultation will be running until 11 March 2024.

Such reviews are a statutory requirement under Section 69 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990, which directs local planning authorities to review their conservation areas from time to time. A review was also recommended by Brent’s Historic Environment Placemaking Strategy (2019) which was prepared to support the Brent Local Plan.
Draft Appraisal Documents have been produced for each area. They consider if roads on the boundaries of the current conservation areas merit special status along with new areas for designation. They also seek to describe and map where elements and roads that no longer are considered to have special status. The draft Appraisal Documents can be found at as well as further information and details of drop-in sessions.
We are seeking comments on each of the proposed boundary changes as well as the new conservation area at Kensal Rise and the de-designation of the Sudbury Cottages Conservation Area.
Views can be made using the online survey at Representations can also be made by e-mail: or by post to: Planning Policy Team, Brent Civic Centre, Engineer’s Way, Wembley HA9 0FJ. The deadline for comment is 11 March 2024 5pm.
If you have any questions or would like any further information, please email
If you are not the right person to deal with this email, I would be grateful if you could please pass it onto the appropriate person within your organisation.
Best wishes,
Planning Policy Team
Take part in Brent’s draft budget consultation before 31 January at