Day to Day
Here is some useful information which we hope will help on a day to day basis, covering communication with us, reporting repairs, home improvements, regulations, how rent is set and when it might change, your and our responsibilities, saving money and options for moving home.
When accepting a housing offer from Arneway it sets up commitments both ways. Click here to learn more about your responsibilities & those of Arneway and how a Co-operative works.
If you wish to improve your home or you need to decorate please contact the office to see if we can assist. If it is an adaptation for medical purposes, contact us.
Click here to learn more about your rent which must be paid according to the terms of your Tenancy Agreement. Ensure your rent account balance is always in credit.
There are a number of ways to communicate with Arneway: email, phone, post text, web forms, WhatsApp, even in person. Click here to find out more.
Moving Home
If you are considering moving home, it’s best be aware of your options. You can discuss these in detail with your housing officer, based on your own circumstances.
If you're concerned about something that is not working properly or broken, click here to learn if we can help or whether it is something you will need to fix yourself.
It is important to understand how heating your home can cause condensation and create mould, which is unhealthy. Learn how to prevent mould in your home
Anti-social noise can be a nuisance, A useful list is provided to help you understand and solve your the problem. If you are effected by noise please report it.
Responsibilities are stipulated in your handbook. They are the terms of which you can continue living within the housing Co-operative. The most important are listed here.
Financial Difficulty
It's a condition of your Tenancy Agreement that you pay rent on time. Your home is at risk if you do not pay your rent. If you have financial difficulties we'll do everything we can to help you.
It is normal to have problems. In the event you have concerns regarding your tenancy or other please contact your Housing Officer, who is someone you can trust and will try to help.
Every Housing Association has rules. The two most important are single occupancy & no sub-letting. Here you'll find out why & what other rules you should abide by.
Arneway is run for the mutual benefit of the members. If you need help please call, email, WhatsApp or even use the form on the home page. You can trust your housing officer to advise you.
Arneway is regulated by the Department of Communities & Local Government. Unresolved complaints can be submitted to the Ombudsman for further investigation.
Saving Money
It is good to be aware of tips & measures you can take to save money which otherwise would needlessly be spent. Here are some ways that might save you cash.